Sunday, June 21, 2009

2 More Days!!

I can't believe we are leaving in less than two days! I haven't even started packing yet.
I thought it would be appropriate to post again before we left. We are all so excited to see God work in and through us while we are in Chile. Today the guys from Mexico spoke at church and it was so awesome to hear what God did while they were there! By listening to them talk about how God worked in each of their lives and to just see them completely sold out for the Gospel was so inspiring for me! As Brian, Mike, and I seek to follow Christ's call to Chile my hope is that Christ will reveal Himself to each of us in such a way that we can't help but come home from Chile changed just as the men who went to Mexico did.

I want to take just a minute to say how honored I am to have the opportunity to serve our Lord with Mike and Brian for a month in Chile. The three of us are like brothers and I couldn't pick two guys who I would rather go on this adventure for Christ with. They both have huge hearts for people and the Gospel. It is going to be awesome to see God use each of them in ways they can't even imagine!

We humbly ask for your prayers as we leave on Tuesday. We will be flying out of Reagan Airport in DC. I know in the previous post I said we were flying out of Dulles but I was mistaken. We will be flying out around 10am. We will be flying from there to Miami where we will have a 5 hour layover. From there we fly to Lima, Peru where we will arrive around 11pm. We then fly out of Lima around 5 am Wednesday morning. We will be flying from there to Tacna, Peru where we will be meeting up with the Bjur's. We will then be driving across the border into Chile and onto Arica, Chile, our final destination!

Thanks again to everyone who supported us both financially and through prayer! We wouldn't be going if it weren't for all of your gifts and prayers! We thank the Lord for each of you!


  1. aw...
    Wasn't this morning amazing? I can't wait to hear all of your stories. You know we'll be praying for you here...
    I'm still a little jealous. Don't forget my "ring." ;) Oh, and e-mail me sometimes!

  2. I'm so excited for you guys!!! :)
